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East Midlands Landlord Accreditation Scheme

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Welcome to the Tenants' Page of the EMLAS Website

Here you will find information about the EMLAS Accreditation Scheme, you will be able to check that your landlord is accredited, and you can find out how to make a complaint.

The East Midlands Landlord Accreditation Scheme (EMLAS) logo is a sign that you have selected a landlord that has chosen to stand out as being a competent, professional person who is aware of, and will abide by, all laws and regulations concerning property letting. An EMLAS accredited landlord is required to complete professional development courses both on application to join the scheme and during their time as an accredited landlord.

Landlord professional development, plus the ongoing support of EMLAS staff, ensures that the landlord is provided with the latest relevant information, has access to help and advice from experienced personnel, as well as standardised forms and documentation that help to make the letting process as smooth as possible.

The EMLAS Accreditation Scheme

EMLAS accredits the landlord rather than the property, but EMLAS staff carry out random property inspections to ensure that properties registered with the scheme meet the legal minimum requirements. At least 10% of properties are inspected when a landlord initially joins the scheme, though this figure can be far higher in some cases. Properties are then randomly sampled on an on-going basis to ensure that compliance is being maintained. EMLAS will also randomly sample tenants, usually through postal questionnaires, to establish whether or not their landlord continues to comply with the scheme’s Code of Management.

If you select an EMLAS landlord, you take the risk out of choosing your property. Landlords that have come forward to join the scheme have done so on an entirely voluntary basis. They have joined the scheme because they believe they are the best in the business and can be relied upon to make your experience as a tenant as enjoyable as possible.

Is my Landlord Accredited?

If you are looking for an EMLAS Accredited Landlord or a property owned by an EMLAS Accredited Landlord, there is no easier way than using the Search Facility of this website.

This allows you to search for a landlords name, their Accreditation Membership number, or an address of a property they own. Alternatively you could list all Accredited Landlords within a designated area allowing you to chose a landlord and property that suits your needs.

What do I get from my Accredited Landlord?

When you agree to rent a property from an EMLAS Accredited Landlord you should receive:

  • A Tenancy Agreement
  • Information about how your deposit has been protected
  • The EMLAS Tenant Guide
  • A written Complaints Procedure
  • A Property Inventory
  • A clear outline of all charges relating to the property and who is responsible for payment

Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities

EMLAS takes the issue of landlord compliance and tenants rights very seriously, but we are also aware of the responsibilities that you have as tenants. EMLAS provides our landlords with a standardised, detailed inventory form. This document provides a highly accurate record of the condition of the property at the start and end of a tenancy. The inventory will be used by the landlord to deduct any reasonable amount from the deposit. As a tenant, you should sign a copy of the inventory and keep it safe, so that you too have a record of the condition of the property and can take issue with any deposit deductions that you do not consider reasonable.

EMLAS also provides help and support to accredited landlords who have an issue with tenant anti-social behaviour. The assistance we provide includes referral of cases to the relevant enforcement bodies such as the Police.

EMLAS accredited landlords provide good quality accommodation that is randomly sampled. They have the necessary knowledge to conduct their business professionally and courteously and in line with all current laws and best practice. If they do not reach or maintain this level of service, you as tenants have the right to complain to us and we have the power to take action. In return, tenants of accredited landlords are asked to treat their rented property respectfully and to avoid anti-social behaviour, thereby promoting a mutually beneficial and lasting relationship between landlord and tenant.

Make a Complaint

EMLAS is aware that problems can still occur however, therefore we have a very precise complaints procedure within the EMLAS scheme manual. In the first instance, a tenant should always approach their landlord if they have a complaint or if there is a problem with the property they are renting. Most complaints will be resolved quickly and efficiently by our landlords as they are keen to maintain their position as a landlord that has a good reputation for quality accommodation and good relationships with tenants.
